Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter XXXVII: The Push

Every spring, there are two very important weeks for college students in the middle of their semester. Obviously the first is their spring break, but most people don't realize the importance of the week prior to spring break;

the Sping Push.

The week before vacation where everything needs to be finished. BUT at the same time, students are planning their vacation and making plans for their return.

But the Spring Push doesn't apply to only college students. People in the professional world experience it as well. And that's what life has been like for me the past several days. Last week was my Spring Push.

The most immediate cause for pushing was the final Neighbor Night for the school year. This Wednesday night ministry has had both ups and downs, but continued to minister to the surrounding community for nearly 7 months. While this ministry was great, it was also a heavy burden for our congregation, and we all look forward to the two week break before our new ministry; Youth Night.

But that's only the first half of Spring Push, you know, the part where everything finishes.

The other side of Spring Push is the planning side. And that's what I've been doing.



And more planning.

The combination of our new Youth Night ministry, extra Easter services, fundraiser events, and church politics are consuming enough. Add to that the inablity to plan more than 2 months ahead because of the uncertainty surrounding our church and you get one flustered youth pastor.

BUT wait...there's more...

The Misfits are collectively pushing to finish our album, and I personally am still trying to hammer out some details for my backpacking endeavour next week.

ALL this to say that my Spring Push was awesome. Busy. But awesome...because I love it all. One might could even accuse me of enjoying this week as much as my actual vacation.

Eager to push,

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