Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter XXXI: A Whole Lot

It's finally happened. I finally caved. I've become "that guy with a phone"....

I bought the iPhone.

Unfortunately, it's consumed a fair amount of my attention for the past week. Most people who have talked to me since I bought it have had to hear about the awesome apps, features, and gadgets. I'm slightly ashamed of myself for talking about it so much, but really, it is pretty sweet.

Another victory this week happend on Wednesday night when we got the final count for our middle school retreat. We had a much better turnout than expected, and we're taking 13 young men and women with us for a weekend of vertical and horizontal growth.

Yet another highlight from the week was yesterday's service. Despite a lack of preparation, my sermon went pretty well. The real joy however was seeing someone else lead our praise band. This was great because I was able to worship, but also because we now know that we can have somebody lead worship in my absence. I absolutely LOVE seeing someone else lead a ministry that I oversee. It was comforting to know that the Spirit is leading the ministry and not myself.

The CDL saga continues...while I passed my written exam and I got in some time behind the wheel, the final driving test happens this Tuesday.

And that's not the only thing going on this week...

I also have the retreat, which means we need to collect more money, forms, and signatures. Our deposit for the mission trip is also due, so I'll get to collect those checks and forms as well. On top of it all, the Misfits are playing a show this week, which will inevidably take up more of my time and attention than it should.

All in all, I'm extremely grateful for the busyness and opportunities to ministr, I'm just praying for strength and endurance as I go through it all.

Bracing myself,

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