Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapter XIX: It's Almost Here

Something seems different now. Something has changed in the past week. Things aren't the same as they were the last time we spoke.

I'm not sure what exactly has changed, but the LORD has done something in my life over the past week. It's one of those times when I can look back at the Brian Boucek of last week and thank God for the difference between the two of us.

In addition to a lot more facial hair (Almost done with No-Shave-November), this past week has given me a sense of maturity. The combination of successfully organizing my first fundraiser and preaching a difficult message to a critical congregation has aged me more than just a few days.

While this week was busy, I loved every moment of it. The Chili Cook-off went really well (although a chowder recipe won the contest) as we had a great turn out and raised a lot of money.

Our Thanksgiving service went really well, and I hope to replicate the same intimacy, simplicity, and comfort of that service for our regular Sunday morning meetings. I was blessed enough to spend the actual meal with a few families from our church, and the food was good enough to offset the depression of another loss for the Lions.

My sermon went over better than expected. While I am very appreciative of the congregation's support and encouragement, I have to give credit to the Holy Spirit. From the start of the planning process to the closing prayer of my message, the Spirit's hand was upon me.

The Spirit didn't stop there though. His hand seems to be much heavier the past few days as our church is starting to come to a crucial moment. As discussions continue and people voice their opinions, it is becoming clear that something is going on. Something is going to happen. Something is going to changet.

A few other highlights from this week included some new guitar gear via the Black Friday madness, a first time ever climb of a 5.12 route, a new friend, reunion with some old friends, some great pictures of downtown, and a clean house.

Looking to the future, December is going to be an awesome month filled with Christmas concerts, Christmas caroling, Christmas parties, Christmas music....pretty much just Christmas in general.

As mentioned above, our church is reaching that crucial moment when something big happens. Please continue to pray for our church family, and pray for the interim pastor candidate as he discern's God's will for his involvement with our church. That's really about it for now, so hang loose, pray hard, and keep lovin' life.

Eager with anticipation,

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