Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter VII: The Weekend

Again, I apologize for not sticking to my normal schedule of updating on Mondays. So, this entry will simply cover Labor Day Weekend, and then next Monday will cover the week of September 6-12....

So this past weekend was pretty much the best weekend I have had in a long time. My three closest pals came up and spent the entire weekend with me. We did some rock climbing (I finally nailed a route with a difficult dyno that I have been working) and some disc golf, and of course, we played Halo. A few other highlights included a visit to Calvin, a bonfire filled with flour, two new computers donated to the church, and the purchasing of a movie for super cheap.

On a more serious note, this weekend made me realize how incredibly blessed I am in SO many ways. For instance, I have my dream job in a pretty ideal location. The LORD has been extremely good to me in providing such a wonderful opportunity. I have some AMAZING friends. These guys are like brothers to me. Having people like that to share life with is another tremendous blessing, and I don't thank the LORD enough for that. Finally, I realized how awesome my new church family is and I really should recognize that more often.

That's about all for the weekend, and as this isn't the most normal of entries, I will end it at that. Check again on Monday for the regularly schedule updates.


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