Monday, August 2, 2010

Chapter II: Remember Your Training

The turtle you see here was a pleasant surprise I found while visiting Reed lake after a walk through East Grand Rapids. I also spent time in Byron Center and put in quite a few hours at Brewer Park throwing some discs. But the point of this update is that I survived (and maybe even thrived) as a youth pastor for a week. It was great. And like all things, it was way cooler than I expected it to be.

The LORD has really been grooming me for this position since that fateful September day so many years ago when I was born. Every church and ministry I have been a part of has brought me experiences that I am already drawing upon. Countless discussions with peers, pastors, and professors have given me knowledge and understanding for this one thing. It's like I've been doing a puzzle without the box and finally finished the edges.

I spent the majority of my week laying the foundations for relationships, orientating myself throughout the church, and I think I even caught myself extending my hand and saying "Hi I'm Brian" in my sleep. But through it all, the LORD has been there to support and guide me. Here are a few things that I have come to know about Michigan:

1) Turning a little differently around here, but sidewalks are cool
2) Cans and bottles: RECYCLE!
3) When asked where they're favorite place is, 9 of 10 Michiganders will say something involving ice cream
4) We have "hallway monsters" (Just ask the little girl who lives next to me)

Again, the LORD has answered my prayers regarding a starting point for this ministry. He has provided me with ample volunteer help, and given me the tools to focus my vision for the job. My prayer requests for this week would be a petition for the VBS going on in the evenings, and more opportunities for me to get to meet, know, and understand the youth from my church.

Finally doing it,

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