Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter XXVIII: Support

The past few days seemed to fly by. After hearing of my grandmother's death on Monday, I had all of 24 hours to try and get the rest of the week's work done. As usual, the LORD worked everything out for me, but it was semi-stressful. I then spent 4 days out in Colorado to be with family as we mourned the loss of Grandma.

I did learn a couple of things from my brief trip to Colorado.

My ministry operates fine without me. This is great because it shows that the Holy Spirit is really at work in these ministries. My ministry isn't defined by "me," but rather the group as a whole.

My church family is awesome. During my absence, a lot of people stepped up and helped out. I was really happy to hear about the leadership that some of our youth volunteers showed. I received a ton of support from everybody at church via texts, emails, and cards.

My grandma was awesome. Throughout my trip, and especially at the funeral, I constantly discovered new things about my grandma. For example, we found an old painting in the garage that she had painted! Who knew? Margaret Boucek touched so many people and changed so many lives during her time here. I am constantly trying to model my life after my grandparents as they both lived a life for God and lived it to the full.

In other news, things at church are going super well. Participation numbers are up, people are optimistic, and our church is making some serious strides towards finding direction. Not to mention the fact that we finally figured out where/when we are going for our mission trip.

Personally though, I'm feeling a little defeated. My leg injury isn't healing as fast as I would like, and I'm getting sick of not being active. So please pray for healing and patience for me. The positive is the chance to get a lot done around my house, lots of writing done, and of course some good Call of Duty experience.

It's interesting to consider the analogy between my injury and my church family. Even though a busted up leg doesn't actually affect my brain, it does seem to affect my mood. While my leg is there just to support me, it's obvious that I can't do anything well without sturdy support. Similarly, my church family is my support.

And without good support, I'm nothing.

Thankful for my family,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chapter XXVII: Growth

The big weekend. Winter retreat 2011.

I survived.

Our high school group went up to Cran-Hill ranch this weekend for a few days. We had worship, heard guest speakers, played broom-ball, did some skiing, and had a blast. Despite the leg injury I gained through an aerial sledding stunt, it was a very fruitful weekend. The students grew spiritually and were both challenged and encouraged to take their faith more seriously.

And this is what made my week great.

I got to see firsthand the growth taking place in my students' lives. But they weren't the only ones who grew. The LORD definitely challenged me this weekend as well and taught me a few things.

For starters, I was again (I know I say this a lot) reminded how fortunate I am to be where I'm at. As the youth pastors met at the beginning of the retreat, it didn't take long for me to realize that I was the youngest by at least 5 to 10 years. It's amazing how God can use me despite my lack of age, experience, and wisdom.

But the LORD worked through me. And that's really the only reason I can do this job. The entire weekend I found myself saying/doing things that definitely didn't come from me. I constantly found myself smiling during small group discussions because I could feel God throwing ideas into my head and guiding my speech.

While this past week was mostly focused on the weekend, a few other things happened as well. So here's a list of some interesting things....

-Our band, Misfit Plaid, had another awesome practice (and a new bass amp).
-The Chicago Bears...well, you know how that turned out
-Learned a new dance move at swing dance
-Finally finished a climbing route I've been working on for a few weeks
-Saw the movie "Once"...pretty decent....good music

Finally, I just found out that my grandma passed away late last night. This was expected, but it's still hard on my family. So in addition to praying for my bum leg (stupid body just overreacted), please pray for us as we are traveling and grieving.

These prayer requests remind me that I'm still human. I still live in a human world. While this weekend was definitely productive, the LORD did all the work, and not me. I'm not perfect. I'm not above others. I can be broken. God still taught me things. So while I'm proud of what I've become and what I've done, there's still a long way to go.

Still learning,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chapter XXVI: I Am Who I Am

Continuing along the same thought process as last week, I'm still impressed by God's work in my life. This past week I've really recognized who God has made me to be, and I must admit, I really like it.

The past two weeks have really encouraged me as I have been feeling overwhelmed with my current situation. Last week God reminded me of His constant support and showed me His affection, and this week He remdinded me that I was created perfectly for this time and place.

Without sounding to egocentric, I really love the man God has turned me into. Over the years, He has carefully groomed me for this ministry, and it's awesome to see it all tie together. I recently ate lunch with an old friend, and while talking with her, I realized that this really is what I do now.

Hard to believe that I really am a youth pastor.

This week was fairly ordinary (climbing, music, swing dance, etc.), but it had a different feel. Especially towards the end of the week, I started seeing all the ways that I am starting to build deeper relationships. Make positive changes in the our congregation. Even recognizing my impact on the community.

Again, I apologize for the narcissism, but I really appreciate all that God has made me to be. As I walked through the woods this weekend taking pictures, I began to grasp how awesome God has been to me. I thought about who I used to be and who God has made me. Psalm 139 reads:

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Please continue to pray for my grandma as she is still determined to glorify God despite her health. I also ask that you pray for our high school students as we attend our winter retreat this weekend.

I'd like to leave you with this thought...God has created each of us with a unique purpose and an equally unique set of traits to match that purpose. So my who you are and recognize that you can't be someone else, because being someone else is like changing God's masterpiece.

Just me,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chapter XXV: Chocolate Bar

Part of the reason that David the Stud (son of Jesse) was so well remembered was because God touched everything David did. This week I felt like David.

Not because I was a stud.

But because the LORD has really been blessing me this week. His hand is visible in the projects I've been working on. In my work with the youth ministry and worship services. Even in my relationships with others. Not because of anything I did, but simply because He loves me.

Like an unexpected note of encouragement.

One of the biggest things that He's blessing is the band we recently started, Misfit Plaid. We got together for our first practice on Monday night, and not only was it fun, but we sounded good. The guys are all awesome and we all share a passion to serve the LORD. This band is meant to be used as a ministry, and the LORD is doing just that! By Thursday, we had our first gig booked! A complete stranger asked us to play at a benefit concert in February, and we're really excited to start being a positive influence in a negative world.

The LORD also blessed our worship service yesterday. This Sunday, we tried out one of our first experimental services, and it went really well. We had a few glitches of course, but nothing that can't be worked out with time and practice. It was really awesome to see the way that the LORD used so many people and so many gifts together in one service.

Even the little things were touched by God this week. A new climbing route that I conquered. A good conversation with a student. Tasty leftovers from a church meal. Surprise visits from friends. A little heart in my Happy Fun Mail bag. Even a couple good rounds of Call of Duty.

This week came with trials as well. In the past few days, my grandma's health has rapidly declined and it seems as though she'll pass within the next few days. Obviously, your prayers for my family would be greatly appreciated, but especially for my grandfather.

While this was tough news to hear, it came with a blessing (like most bad things do). The morning after I heard about this, I recieved the best blessing of my week.

A chocolate bar.

Sounds simple, but nothing could be more elegant. It's like God was saying; "Hey Brian. Keep up the good work. I love you." Afer feeling a little burnt out, God sent me this edible pick-me-up. All of His other blessings this week were great, but this really showed me God's love. It reminded me that God's love isn't about success. It's not about being fortunate. It's not about blessings of any kind.

It's about His unconditional love for me. That's His blessing. He loves me. And that's all I need.

A beloved Child of God,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter XXIV: Coffee and Bananas

First update of 2011...Thus far, my year has gone pretty well. But let's focus on the past few days shall we?

It felt good to be back home and spend the week doing the ministry that I love. As the schools were still on break, I got to spend time playing Call of Duty and Halo with my students. When combined with various breakfasts I shared with students, this week was well spent building relationships and having fun. Oh and I got a new coffee mug and cleaned up the coffee maker, so now I can drink it every morning.

I messed up my hand early last week and it miraculously healed very well in just a few days (so I didn't have to miss too much climbing). It made me realize how fortunate I am that my body works well and I should celebrate my youthfulness while it lasts. As part of that realization, I have made an effort to be a little healthier.

Hence the bananas.

With a new year comes a new start. After a great New Years celebration with some of my closest friends, I decided that I need to start taking care of myself a little better. SO...I'm getting more sleep, taking vitamins, and eating a banana for breakfast every day (my mom is so proud).

Our church enjoyed the lull of winter break, but it's definitely time to resume Sunday School, classes, dinners, and events. Our church is also beginning a month of experimental worship services that will help lead us to God's will for our church's worship. We are also looking forward to our winter retreat. To be honest, I'm a little stressed already, but it will be fun. I have a tendency to worry about details and legistics, so please pray for peace of mind for me.

That's not my only source of stress however. I find myself worrying about next week's worship service. Games for our middle school. Drivers for the next event. The problem is that I'm still putting too much of myself into ministry and not letting God flow through me. I'm seeking strength from myself and not God.

But I'm working on it.

I'm still loving my life and work here in Michigan, I just need to get better at letting God sustain me. I need to drink the Living Water. Because let's face it, nobody gets very far on bananas and coffee.

Starting fresh,